Term of Use

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This website you are visiting and all its contents belong to Tarım Kredi Teknoloji Inc. The conditions regarding the use of the website of Tarım Kredi Teknoloji Inc. are determined below. Tarım Kredi Teknoloji A.Ş. reserves the right to unilaterally change these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. Current terms and conditions become effective on the date they are presented to the User by any means.
The use of this website is subject to the laws of the Republic of Turkey. Ankara Central Courts and Enforcement Offices are authorized to resolve any dispute arising from use.

Legal warning
The information on this website may not be comprehensive, precise, updated or adaptable to the circumstances of any particular situation. Liability cannot be attributed to Tarım Kredi Teknoloji Inc.. for any errors, omissions or omissions that may occur on this website. All responsibility for the decisions to be made in the light of the information on this website belongs to the person visiting the page. Tarım Kredi Teknoloji Inc. will not be liable in any way for any direct, indirect, special, consequential or other type of loss or damage that may arise from entering or using the information on this website.
Tarım Kredi Teknoloji Inc.. does not guarantee that this website will work uninterruptedly and error-free, nor does it guarantee that this website or rented server will be free of viruses and/or other harmful codes. Tarım Kredi Teknoloji Inc. cannot be held responsible in any way for any direct or indirect damages, losses and expenses that may arise as a result of any errors, interruptions, delays, computer viruses, line and/or system malfunctions that may occur during the use of this website.
Since the information written on this website does not mean an offer or offer within the framework of the Code of Obligations, it does not bind Tarım Kredi Teknoloji Inc.
Tarım Kredi Teknoloji Inc. reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to limit, refuse or terminate any person's access to the website or any part thereof, at any time and for any reason, without prior notice.
In case of legal obligation and duly requested by the competent authorities, information may be shared with the relevant authority in cases arising from the Law No. 5651.

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When the user enters the website, he can get a copy for himself. It may print the information on this website for later use during downloading information and for personal purposes as long as it is reasonable. However, commercial and profit-oriented uses are strictly prohibited. The user cannot add this site or any other link to another page other than the home page without the express and written permission of Tarım Kredi Teknoloji Inc.

Hyperlink Usage
Tarım Kredi Teknoloji shall not be responsible for any other website entered in order to access this website and its content. When accessing a website that does not belong to Tarım Kredi Teknoloji Inc, even if the website has the Tarnet logo, the website accessed is independent of Tarım Kredi Teknoloji Inc’s website and the content of this website is covered by Tarım Kredi Teknoloji Inc. has no control. In addition, a link to a website that does not belong to Tarım Kredi Teknoloji Inc. does not mean that Tarnet assumes or accepts any responsibility for the content or use of the linked website.
It is the User's responsibility to take the necessary measures to ensure that the websites selected for use are free from viruses, worms, trojans and other destructive elements. Tarım Kredi Teknoloji A.Ş. does not give any guarantee or commitment regarding the content of other websites that allow access to this website, and links to this website from any other website are subject to the written permission of Tarım Kredi Teknoloji Inc
Due to any direct or indirect damage (including but not limited to loss of profit, disruption of business, loss of program or other data in information processing systems) arising from the use of this website or any other hyperlinked website, Tarım Kredi Teknoloji Inc. is not liable to anyone, even if the possibility of such damage has been clearly communicated to him.

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